The Cranley Hotel, The Common, Cranleigh, GU6 8SQ
Planning permission was granted (October 24) for the change of use of the Cranley Hotel together with extensions and alterations to provide 9 residential units with associated works.
The proposal included for three additions to the building: a two storey extension on the west elevation of the building and two first floor extensions. A dormer window was also proposed to the southern roofscape and a second within the western roofscape.
The extensions were carefully designed paying regard to the character of the host building and its surroundings, recognising its status as a Building of Local Merit and its position within the Cranleigh Conservation Area. Their position away from the front elevation of the building and replication of existing design features within the building and proposed use of high-quality matching materials will ensure the works will sustain the significance of the heritage assets.
A total of 17 car parking spaces are to be provided on site. Access into the site will continue from the eastern corner wherein 15 parking spaces will be provided. A further two parking spaces will be provided at this western side of the site.
The case officer fully accepted the 6 months marketing exercise accompanying the application supporting the change of use and loss of the pub and concluded the scheme would accord with development plan policies. The officer also felt the design was sensitive and would not harm its character and appearance, with the proposal “achieving a high-quality design”.
The permission was granted on 22 October 2024 and subject to 5 planning conditions. Details of the application can be found on the Waverley Borough Council search site under application reference WA/2024/01691.
Private client
Cranleigh, Surrey
Loss of Public House; conversion/extensions and 9 unit flatted residential development