Woodside, (RHS Wisley), Wisley Lane
Planning permission was granted (November 24) for the use of the former RHS Directors House, known as Woodside for continued use as a Café on the ground floor and office use across the first floor.
Following the lapse of a 5 temporary planning permission for the use of the ground floor for café purposes with RHS staff accommodation above, an application was submitted in May 2024 for permanent change of use and to retain the seasonal use of the café use on the ground floor with office space (for 8-10 workers) on the first floor. There would be no visible changes to the building inside or immediately outside, apart from a slightly expanded parking area adjacent to the existing garage.
The case officer grappled with the loss of the residential unit in the officers report, but broadly accepted the arguments and concluded that “The harm resulting from the loss of the dwelling would be limited by the above factors and as such this consideration is afforded moderate weight against the application proposal.”
No green belt harm was identified by the case officer and as well as support for sustainable growth and expansion of all types of business and enterprise in rural areas such as this.
The case officer found the proposal complied with the sequential test for main town centre uses and would be acceptable in this regard. In terms of impact on character, the officer noted the minor changes that had previously occurred which included soaking up the curtilage of the former house into the RHS gardens as well as minor change such as the rear ramp and terraced seating area. The officer concluded “the proposed continued and permanent change of use would not appear unduly out of keeping with the character and appearance of the surrounding area of Wisley, which already has a mixed residential / commercial use”
Planning permission was granted on 12 November subject to 4 planning conditions. It is worth noting the specific wording of conditions 4, which states
“The first floor office space hereby permitted shown on approved drawing W1075-00-179 (7 of 9) shall only be used by a charity, business or user affiliated or appointed by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS).”
Details of the application can be found on the Guildford Borough Council search site under application reference 24/P/00679.
Royal Horticultural Society (RHS)
Stone Pince Cafe , Wisley, Surrey
Use of ‘Woodside’ (former RHS Director’s house) as a cafeteria with associated seating on the ground floor and external terraced area, office use on the first floor, and associated infrastructure